Version 2.0 of my blog :)

The past

After two years of not having written anything for my blog, I’ve decided it was time to start anew.

My old blog was created using WordPress in mid-2011, it was the first blog that was hosted on a machine a friend and I rented rather than blogspot. Whilst the blog served it’s purpose and was home to 7 years of content-creation, I felt like it was time to change things up.

My last entry was made in 2017. This is, as of this time, about 2 years ago. The lack of content is mostly due to a lack of time. One of my hopes for this year is to produce at least some valuable content again.

This blog also serves as a fresh start. It might be something that happens to all of us who’ve been blogging for close to a decade, but reading upon old posts can be quite embarrasing!
There is some valuable content on there, so for the time being it’ll still be available on the usual place. It gets around ~150 views a month which is not terrible for an inactive blog. :)

Some technical info about the old blog that I wanted to get rid off for a long time:

  • Powered by WordPress
  • No version control
  • Edit posts with WP-Admin

The present

I’ve always enjoyed writing technical content, and whilst studying I had plenty of time to do so. The past few years, adjusting to a new routine has made writing blogs low on the priority list. Currently I have a full-time job, in addition to being happily married. But I’ll try to keep this one more or less active. :).

One thing that has at least gotten more interesting is the technology behind this blog! It’s created with Hugo, a Go Static Website generator. And I’ve put it up on Github, which helps with the version control issues!

My goal is to have at least a few posts out this year. :D